Using software modules
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 UL HPC Team <>
This page is part of the Getting started tutorial.
Environment Modules is a software package that allows us to provide a multitude of applications and libraries in multiple versions on the UL HPC platform. The tool itself is used to manage environment variables such as PATH
, enabling the easy loading and unloading of application/library profiles and their dependencies.
We will have multiple occasion to use modules in the other tutorials so there is nothing special we foresee here. You are just encouraged to read the following resources:
- Introduction to Environment Modules by Wolfgang Baumann
- Modules tutorial @ NERSC
- UL HPC documentation on modules
By loading appropriate environment modules, the user can select:
- compilers,
- libraries, e.g. the MPI library, or
- other third party software packages.
An exhaustive list of the available software is proposed in this page.
On a node, using an interactive job, you can:
- list all available softwares:
module avail
- search for one software:
module spider <search terms>
- "load" a software in your environment:
module load <category>/<software>[/<version>]
- list the currently loaded modules:
module list
- clean your environment, unload everything:
module purge
Software sets
Currently, the ULHPC provides the software sets 2019a (default) and 2019b (devel).
We encourage you to use right now 2019b, by redefining the MODULEPATH
variable as explained in the next section,
as it will soon be promoted as the next default environment.
The ULHPC team updates the software set every year based on the Easybuild releases.
Name | Type | 2019b (legacy) | 2020a | 2020b (prod) | 2021a (devel) |
GCCCore | compiler | 8.3.0 | 9.3.0 | 10.2.0 | 10.3.0 |
foss | toolchain | 2019b | 2020a | 2020b | 2021a |
intel | toolchain | 2019b | 2020a | 2020b | 2021a |
Python | 3.7.4 (and 2.7.16) | 3.8.2 | 3.8.6 | 3.9.2 |
Each environment provides different versions of softwares. The core of the software environment is the toolchain, a toolchain is a set of tools used to compile and run of the other programs of the software environment.
The ULHPC team provides two toolchain:
: based on open source software (GCC
: based on the proprietary Intel compiler suite.
environment variable
The environment variable $MODULEPATH
contains the path of the directory containing the modules.
You can use this variable to change your software environment.
In the following command, we use the 2020b environment compiled for Broadwell CPUs on Iris.
export MODULEPATH=/opt/apps/resif/iris/2020b/broadwell/modules/all
This is equivalent to the command resif-load-swset-devel
on Iris.
For backward compatibility reasons and for reproducibility, it is always possible to load the older environments, with the command resif-load-swset-legacy
In order to restore production settings, run the command resif-load-swset-prod
Choose one or two languages below, and try to run the hello world program on a compute node.
Create a file named
in your home directory, copy-paste the following code in this file. This code will calculate the first N numbers of the Fibonacci sequenceN=1000; fib=zeros(1,N); fib(1)=1; fib(2)=1; k=3; while k <= N fib(k)=fib(k-2)+fib(k-1); fprintf('%d\n',fib(k)); pause(1); k=k+1; end
Create a new interactive job
Look for the
module using the commandmodule spider
Load the module
using the commandmodule load
Execute the code using matlab
(node)$> matlab -nojvm -nodisplay -nosplash < path/to/fibonacci.m
Create a file named
in your home directory, copy-paste the following code in this file. This code will calculate the first N numbers of the Fibonacci sequenceN <- 130 fibvals <- numeric(N) fibvals[1] <- 1 fibvals[2] <- 1 for (i in 3:N) { fibvals[i] <- fibvals[i-1]+fibvals[i-2] print( fibvals[i], digits=22) Sys.sleep(1) }
Create a new interactive job
Look for the
module using the commandmodule spider
Load the module
using the commandmodule load
Execute the code using R
(node)$> Rscript path/to/fibonacci.R
Create a new file called helloworld.c
, containing the source code of a simple "Hello World" program written in C.
int main()
printf("Hello, world!");
return 0;
First, compile the program using the "FOSS" toolchain, containing the GNU C compiler
(node)$> module load toolchain/foss
(node)$> gcc helloworld.c -o helloworld
Then, compile the program using the Intel toolchain, containing the ICC compiler
(node)$> module purge
(node)$> module load toolchain/intel
(node)$> icc helloworld.c -o helloworld
If you use Intel CPUs and ICC is available on the platform, it is advised to use ICC in order to produce optimized binaries and achieve better performance.
Question: create a new file helloworld.cpp
containing the following C++ source code,
compile the following program, using GNU C++ compiler (g++
command), and the Intel compiler (icpc
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
Question: create a new file helloworld.f90
containing the following source code,
compile the following program, using the GNU Fortran compiler (gfortran
command), and ICC (ifort
program hello
print *, "Hello, World!"
end program hello
MPI is a programming interface that enables the communication between processes of a distributed memory system.
We will create a simple MPI program where the MPI process of rank 0 broadcasts an integer (42) to all the other processes. Then, each process prints its rank, the total number of processes and the value he received from the process 0.
In your home directory, create a file mpi_broadcast.c
and copy the following source code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv []) {
char hostname[257];
int size, rank;
int i, pid;
int bcast_value = 1;
gethostname(hostname, sizeof hostname);
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
if (!rank) {
bcast_value = 42;
MPI_Bcast(&bcast_value, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
printf("%s\t- %d - %d - %d\n", hostname, rank, size, bcast_value);
return 0;
Reserve 2 tasks of 1 core on two distinct nodes with Slurm
(access-iris)$> si --time 1:00:0 -N 2 -n 2 -c 1
Load a toolchain and compile the code using mpicc
(node)$> mpicc mpi_broadcast.c -o mpi_broadcast
With Slurm, you can use the srun
command. Create an interactive job, with 2 nodes (-N 2
), and at least 2 tasks (-n 2
(node)$> srun -n $SLURM_NTASKS ~/mpi_broadcast