Know Your Bugs: Weapons for Efficient Debugging
Copyright (c) 2013-2018 X. Besseron, UL HPC Team <>
The objective of this tutorial is to review the main tools that can be used to debug your [parallel] programs.
Hands/On 0 - Pre-requisites
Reserve 1 core (for 3h) over the UL HPC platform
$> ssh gaia-cluster # OR chaos-cluster
$> oarsub -I -l core=1,walltime="03:00:00"
Hands/On 1 - GDB Tutorial
Tutorial from A GDB Tutorial with Examples
You'll need to load the latest GDB module:
$> module spider gdb
$> module load debugger/GDB
Hands/On 2 - Valgrind Tutorial
Tutorial from Using Valgrind to Find Memory Leaks and Invalid Memory Use
You'll also need to load the appropriate module
$> module spider valgrind
$> module load debugger/Valgrind
Hands/On 3 - Bug Hunting
A list of programs demonstrating the different kind of bus are available in the exercises
Try the different debugging tools on every example to see how they behave and find the bugs.
Run the following command to download all the exercises:
$> git clone ulhpc-tutorials
$> cd ulhpc-tutorials/advanced/Debug/exercises/
- You can compile each program manually using
(the latest coming from thetoolchains/ictce
module). You are encouraged to try both to see how differently they behave. Example:gcc program.c -o program
. Add any additional parameter you might need. - Some program required additional options to be compiled. They are indicated in comment at the beginning of each source file.