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Serial tasks in action: Watermarking images in Python

Copyright (c) 2013-2019 UL HPC Team <>

The following github repositories will be used:

  • ULHPC/launcher-scripts
    • UPDATE (Dec 2020) This repository is deprecated and kept for archiving purposes only. Consider the up-to-date launchers listed at the root of the ULHPC/tutorials repository, under launchers/
  • ULHPC/tutorials

In this exercise, we will use another program, (full path: $SCRATCH/PS2/tutorials/sequential/examples/scripts/, and we will distribute the computation on 2 nodes with the launcher (full path: $SCRATCH/PS2/launcher-scripts/bash/generic/

This python script will apply a watermark to the images (using the Python Imaging library).

The command works like this:

python <path/to/watermark_image> <source_image>

We will work with 2 files:

  • copyright.png: a transparent images, which can be applied as a watermark
  • images.tgz: a compressed file, containing 30 JPG pictures (of the Gaia Cluster :) ).

Step 0: python image manipulation module installation

In an interactive job, install pillow in your home directory using this command:

(access IRIS)>$ si -N 1

(node)>$ pip install --user pillow

Step 1: Prepare the input files

Copy the source files in your $SCRATCH directory.

(access)>$ tar xvf /mnt/isilon/projects/ulhpc-tutorials/sequential/images2.tgz -C $SCRATCH/PS2/
(access)>$ cp /mnt/isilon/projects/ulhpc-tutorials/sequential/ulhpc_logo.png $SCRATCH/PS2

(access)>$ cd $SCRATCH/PS2

Step 2: Create a list of parameters

We must create a file containing a list of parameters, each line will be passed to

ls -d -1 $SCRATCH/PS2/images/*.JPG | awk -v watermark=$SCRATCH/PS2/ulhpc_logo.png '{print watermark " " $1}' > $SCRATCH/PS2/generic_launcher_param
\_____________________________/   \_________________________________________________________________/ \_________________________________/
               1                                                    2                                                3
  1. ls -d -1: list the images
  2. awk ...: prefix each line with the first parameter (watermark file)
  3. >: redirect the output to the file $SCRATCH/generic_launcher_param

Step 3: Configure the launcher

We will use the launcher (full path: $SCRATCH/PS2/launcher-scripts/bash/generic/

Edit the following variables:

(access)$> nano $SCRATCH/PS2/launcher-scripts/bash/generic/

# number of cores needed for 1 task

Step 4: Submit the job

We will spawn 1 process per 2 cores on 2 nodes

On Iris, the Slurm job submission command is sbatch

(access IRIS)>$ sbatch $SCRATCH/PS2/launcher-scripts/bash/generic/

Step 5: Download the files

On your laptop, transfer the files in the current directory and look at them with your favorite viewer. Use one of these commands according to the cluster you have used:

(yourmachine)$> rsync -avz iris-cluster:/scratch/users/<LOGIN>/PS2/images .

Question: which nodes are you using, identify your nodes with the command sacct or Slurmweb


At the end, please clean up your home and scratch directories :)

Please do not store unnecessary files on the cluster's storage servers:

(access)$> rm -rf $SCRATCH/PS2