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Advanced scheduling with SLURM

 Copyright (c) 2013-2019 UL HPC Team <>

The objective of this tutorial is to practice using the SLURM cluster workload manager in use on the UL HPC iris cluster.

It's important that you read the slides first.

They review, for iris:

  1. the way SLURM was configured, accounting and permissions
  2. common and advanced SLURM tools and commands
  3. SLURM job types
  4. SLURM generic launchers you can use as a base for your own jobs
  5. a comparison of SLURM (iris cluster) and OAR (gaia and chaos)

Part one

You will now get familiar, if not already, with the main tools part of SLURM (otherwise skip down to Part two).

You must first connect to the iris cluster frontend, e.g. with ssh -p 8022.


  • All the commands used have detailed manuals (man $toolname) that you can always refer to.
  • To make interactive jobs easier to launch, a function si exists that starts an interactive job with your parameters and the debug QOS
  • You can override it in your own ~/.bashrc with aliases that customizes it for your particular needs, e.g.
    • alias si='salloc -p interactive --qos debug --time=0:30:0'
    • alias six='salloc -p interactive --qos debug --x11'
  • For the HPC Schools we generally create node reservations named as hpcschool
    • see information about the reservation with sinfo -T and scontrol show res
    • generally the reservation is made in the batch partition, thus to the (srun/sbatch) commands below that ask you to run in the batch partition you can prepend --reservation=hpcschool to use it

Partition (queue) and node status

  • Show queued jobs, show more details ('long' view that includes the job time limit):
squeue -l

Question: are all jobs visible by default? what does squeue -a do?

  • Show only the queued jobs of your user ($USER is an environment variable in your shell), then for another specific user:
squeue -u $USER
squeue -u vplugaru
  • Show queued jobs in a specific partition:
squeue -p $partition
  • Show queued jobs that are in a specific state (pending / running / failed / preempted, see man squeue for all available states):
squeue -t PD
squeue -t R
squeue -t F
squeue -t PR

Question: what other job states exist?

  • Show partition status, summarized status (without node state), and node-oriented partition status:
sinfo -s
sinfo -N

Questions: What does the 'mix' state in the output of sinfo signify? What will happen to your jobs if the nodes are 'down' or 'drain'? What will you see when looking at a job with squeue or scontrol show job ?

  • Show node reservations that have been created by the administrators for specific users or accounts:
sinfo -T
  • Show node details (all nodes, specific node):
scontrol show nodes
scontrol show nodes $nodename
  • Check the default account your jobs will use:
sacctmgr show user $USER format=user%20s,defaultaccount%30s
  • See all account associations for your user and the QOS they grant access to:
sacctmgr list association where users=$USER format=account%30s,user%20s,qos%120s

Job submission and management

Starting interactive jobs

  • Start an interactive job with the default number of cores and walltime:

Question: now before exiting the job, what does env | grep SLURM give out? What is the walltime for this job?

  • Start an interactive job for 3 minutes, with 2 nodes and 4 tasks per node:
si --time=0:03:0 -N 2 --ntasks-per-node=4

Question: can you ssh between the nodes part of this job? what happens if you try to ssh to a different node (not from your job/jobs)? if you are still connected to the job after 3 minutes, what happens?

  • Start an interactive job with X11 forwarding such that GUI applications (running in the cluster) will be shown on your workstation:
    • note that your initial connection to the iris cluster needs to have X11 Forwarding enabled, e.g. ssh -Y iris-cluster

Note: as of 2017-11-09, direct X11 (--x11) support with srun (si --x11) is being patched, and the below workaround is needed. You can have a look at the FAQ about X11 forwarding on our website

  1. Connect to iris using the X11 forwarding ssh -Y iris-cluster
  2. Launch a job with X11 by doing an interactive reservation: salloc -p interactive --qos debug bash -c 'ssh -Y $(scontrol show hostnames | head -n 1)'

Here are some explanation of what the command do:

  • Request node allocation in interactive partition with qos debug
  • When the resource is allocated, spawn a bash process that will run a command
  • The command permits to connect to the first node of the reservation directly by using ssh with forwarding enable (-Y option)
  • You can give extra options at salloc (before the bash -c command) like the number of cores.

Question: what happens if you launch a graphical application (e.g. xterm)? did it appear on your own machine? if not, what went wrong?

  • Start an interactive job on nodes with Skylake CPUs
salloc -p interactive -C skylake

Question: what partition is this job running in? how many cores and walltime did it reserve?

Collecting job information

Now start a job with one of the previous commands, and you will check its details (runtime metrics, status, after execution statistics, etc.).

  • Show the details of a job:
scontrol show job $jobid

Question: what happens if you try to take a look at a job which is not in the queue (waiting/running) anymore (e.g. scontrol show job 2)?

  • Check waiting job priority (detailed view):
sprio -l
  • Check expected job start time:
squeue --start -u $USER
  • Show running job (and steps) system-level utilization (memory, I/O, energy):
    • note that sstat information is limited to your own jobs
sstat -j $jobid
  • Show specific statistics from a running job (and steps) or multiple jobs:
sstat -j $jobid --format=AveCPU,AveRSS,AveVMSize,MaxRSS,MaxVMSize
sstat -j $jobid1,$jobid2 --format=AveCPU,AveRSS,AveVMSize,MaxRSS,MaxVMSize
  • Output the statistics in a parseable format, delimited by | (with, then without trailing |):
sstat -p -j $jobid --format=AveCPU,AveRSS,AveVMSize,MaxRSS,MaxVMSize
sstat -P -j $jobid --format=AveCPU,AveRSS,AveVMSize,MaxRSS,MaxVMSize
  • Show running or completed job (and steps) system-level utilization from the accounting information, and with full details:
sacct -j $jobid
sacct -j $jobid -l

Question: remember that job id #2? can we see its information with sacct -j 2 --format=user and sacct -j 2 -l ?

  • Show statistics relevant to the job allocation itself not taking steps into consideration, and with more details:
sacct -X -j $jobid
sacct -X -j $jobid -l
  • Show a subset of interesting statistics from a completed job and its steps, including:
    1. elapsed time in both human readable and total # of seconds
    2. maximum resident set size of all tasks in job (you may want to add also maxrssnode and maxrsstask for a better understanding of which process consumed memory)
    3. maximum virtual memory size (idem for maxvmsizenode and maxvmsizetask)
    4. consumed energy (in Joules), be aware there are many caveats!
      • your job needs to be the only one running on the corresponding compute nodes
      • the RAPL mechanism will not take into account all possible hardware elements which consume power (CPUs, GPUs and DRAM are included)
sacct -j $jobid --format=account,user,jobid,jobname,partition,state,elapsed,elapsedraw,start,end,maxrss,maxvmsize,consumedenergy,consumedenergyraw,nnodes,ncpus,nodelist
  • Output the same statistics in the parseable |-delimited format, for a single and multiple jobs:
sacct -p -j $jobid --format=account,user,jobid,jobname,partition,state,elapsed,elapsedraw,start,end,maxrss,maxvmsize,consumedenergy,consumedenergyraw,nnodes,ncpus,nodelist
sacct -p -j $jobid1,$jobid2 --format=account,user,jobid,jobname,partition,state,elapsed,elapsedraw,start,end,maxrss,maxvmsize,consumedenergy,consumedenergyraw,nnodes,ncpus,nodelist
  • Show statistics for all personal jobs started since a particular date, then without job steps:
sacct --starttime 2019-06-19 -u $USER
sacct -X --starttime 2019-06-19 -u $USER

Pausing, resuming and cancelling jobs

  • To stop a waiting job from being scheduled and later to allow it to be scheduled:
scontrol hold $jobid
scontrol release $jobid

Question: what do you see as "Reason" in squeue output on a large (say, 10 nodes interactive) job that you submitted and then ran scontrol hold $jobid on?

  • To pause a running job and then resume it:
scontrol suspend $jobid
scontrol resume $jobid

Question: what happens when you try to suspend an interactive job?

  • To remove a job from the queue (stopping it if already started):
scancel $jobid

Question: what happens when you cancel a running job, does it get killed immediately?

  • To remove a job by name:
scancel --name=$jobname
scancel -n $jobname

Question: what happens if you start two jobs with the same name and cancel by name?

  • To remove all user jobs:
scancel --user=$USER
scancel -u $USER
  • To remove all waiting jobs (pending state) for a given user:
scancel --user=$USER --state=pending
scancel -u $USER -t pending
  • To remove all waiting jobs in a given partition (e.g. batch):
scancel -u $USER --partition=batch
scancel -u $USER -p batch
  • To stop and restart a given job:
scontrol requeue $jobid

Question: what message do you get when you try to requeue an interactive job?

Part two: the harder stuff

We have made available a set of template batch launcher scripts for SLURM.

You should now:

  • adapt the most appropriate one (sequential, parallel, etc.) for your most commonly used HPC application
  • launch your own (short execution time) test case, on a single core for sequential code or two distributed cores for parallel code
    • take note of your fair-share and usage values (e.g. with sshare -A $(sacctmgr -n show user $USER format=defaultaccount%30s))
    • alternative: compile and use HPCG from the ULHPC HPCG tutorial
  • monitor job progression:
    • with sprio / sprio -l to see its priority in the queue
    • using sstat once it starts, to get running metrics
    • by connecting to the job (sjoin $jobid or using the --jobid parameter of srun) and then using htop
  • finally, once the job finished or you have stopped it:
    • check the information visible with sacct
    • how did your fair-share and usage values change?
    • what efficiency values are shown by seff for the job?