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UL HPC Tutorial: Advanced debugging on the UL HPC platform

 Copyright (c) 2013-2019 UL HPC Team <>

The objective of this tutorial is to practice running and debugging applications on the UL HPC clusters.

It's important that you read the slides first.

They review:

  • basic tools you can use to view and understand how your application is running
  • HPC oriented debugging, profiling and analysis tools:
    • Allinea Forge (DDT+MAP) and Allinea Performance Reports
    • Intel Advisor, Inspector, ITAC and VTune Amplifier
    • Scalasca and Score-P

Your tasks

  1. Compile and make a first timed run of unmodified HPCG v3.0 (MPI only) as per the ULHPC HPCG tutorial
    • full single node, use >= 80 80 80 for input params (edit hpcg.dat)
    • use /usr/bin/time -v to get details (especially as regards timing and memory usage)
  2. Run HPCG (timed) through Allinea Performance Reports
    • use perf-report (bonus points if using iris to get energy metrics)
  3. Instrument and measure HPCG execution with Scalasca
  4. Re-compile HPCG with debugging symbols and run under Allinea DDT (GUI mode) and MAP (batch mode)

Helper notes:

  • Choose your toolchain (compilers, libraries, MPI implementations):

    • module load toolchain/intel or
    • module load toolchain/foss
  • Run HPCG in parallel:

    • Gaia, Chaos clusters: mpirun -hostfile $OAR_NODEFILE ./xhpcg
    • Iris cluster: srun ./xhpcg
  • Run HPCG with Allinea Performance Reports:

    • Gaia, Chaos clusters: perf-report mpirun -hostfile $OAR_NODEFILE ./xhpcg
    • Iris cluster: perf-report srun ./xhpcg
  • Compile and run HPCG with Scalasca/Score-P:

    • use toolchain/foss, perf/Scalasca and perf/Score-P
    • edit HPCG's setup file and prepend the compiler (e.g. mpicxx) on the the CXX = line with scorep (e.g. CXX = scorep mpicxx)
    • compile HPCG
    • run HPCG with Scalasca in summary mode:
    • Gaia, Chaos clusters: scan -s mpirun -hostfile $OAR_NODEFILE ./xhpcg
    • Iris cluster: scan -s srun ./xhpcg
    • generate text report square -s scorep_xhpcg_*_sum and see it with cat scorep_xhpcg_*_sum/scorep.score

Note: 2019 software environment (new compilers, debuggers, profilers) can be tested with module load swenv/default-env/devel. This is only necessary for the HPC School 2019.06, as this environment will become the new default production during summer 2019.